The importance of Emily Jarman’s voice
It is amazing how often people who never stop screeching and making asses of themselves claim they’re being “silenced” isn’t it? Mike Buchanan is happy to end the silencing.
It is amazing how often people who never stop screeching and making asses of themselves claim they’re being “silenced” isn’t it? Mike Buchanan is happy to end the silencing.
Thoughtful, reasoned, rational analysis and criticism is the bane of gender ideologues everywhere.
After a long and despotic reign, cracks in the foundations of feminist society are beginning to widen. John Hembling has a few observations to offer about its demise.
Permutation of Ninjas suggests a campaign to make half the victims of sexual assault be recognized. We endorse this. Dean Esmay reprints a posting from their blog, and encourages you to take the necessary action.
“There is never an excuse to hit a woman.” In a small but culturally significant moment, two ESPN commentators reject this notion. Is the Red Pill slowly sleeping further into the mainstream?
Peter Andrew Nolan is a dangerous man–dangerous to himself, and dangerous to the human rights of men, boys, and yes, even women. A Voice for Men repudiates him as any part of the Men’s Human Rights Movement. Al Martin explains why.
There are many reasons you should register now to attend the historic International Men’s Conference in Detroit in June. Network with others, and plan to FTSU. Most important: John the Other will be there!
The current in the unending stream of complaints from feminists is the word bossy. They don’t like it. It makes them upset, and they are now trying to boss people around about saying it. Hold on just a minute, says Dr. Paul
AVfM welcomes 17 year old Josh O’Brien, who has already figured out that the “Patriarchy” myth of privileging men over women is, well, a myth. When youngsters are already figuring it out for themselves, we have hope that this hateful notion will die within our lifetimes.
Human trafficking: it’s about more than just women and girls, although the headlines you so often seem focus almost exclusively on them. As if the men used as indentured servants and effective slaves are rare and don’t matter.