Review of Men on Strike by Helen Smith, PhD
Victor Zen continues his book reviews by touching on the polarizing and groundbreaking book Men on Strike by psychologist Dr. Helen Smith.
Victor Zen continues his book reviews by touching on the polarizing and groundbreaking book Men on Strike by psychologist Dr. Helen Smith.
When an adult gets into bed with another adult, this is understood. None of this is understood by a teenager who is kept from the world, or a “juvenile delinquent” getting a lap dance from a grown female prison guard. B.R. Merrick has much to say on the topic.
Men’s Rights Activists are increasingly raising their visibility in the mainstream media. Mike Buchanan notes one recent item in Wales.
Amanda Marcotte and the White House recently touted the “1 in 5” rape on campus study from 2007. It is a shame they didn’t bother to read it. August Løvenskiolds did.
Feminists are in the habit of claiming feminism is responsible for things they were never responsible for. Hannah Wallen looks at a recent example.
The so-called gender pay gap has been thorougly debunked, and yet it continues to be promoted as a reality. For those who missed the memo here’s a video debunking the pay gap myth, by the Independent Women’s Forum
The Istanbul Convention, a horrible piece of legislation that threatens to increase violence against men and children, is sneaking its way into Europe. Men’s Human Rights Ireland, and other human rights organizations, also oppose it. John Gormley explains.
Senator Anne C. Cools has worked tirelessly for equal justice and compassion for all throughout her career–and amazingly, includes men and boys in that.
“I am a feminist, and I DON’T KNOW…”
Hanna Rosin has recently discovered what Men’s Rights Activists have known for years. Joe Wilson gives her some grudging respect for it.