VFM News and Commentary

A video for Brad Casey

For Brad Casey. Watch this video, man, Watch it till your eyes bleed. Watch it till whatever part of your shopworn values that have not sold out start to find some inspiration from a single person telling their honest, simple story. Take an example from the courage, if you’re not too much of a chickenshit.

Pardon our dust!

The next couple of weeks will be a transitional period for the website. We are rebuilding from within to make your user experience here better and more responsive, thanks to your generous donations to the site. We appreciate your patience during the ongoing work. It will be worth it, we promise!

Your opinion needed

There are some significant changes coming to the AVFM site in the not too distant future. Some of those changes will affect the commenting system Paul Elam is requesting your opinion on what those changes should be. This is your chance to be heard before we implement the new procedures.