VFM News and Commentary

Don’t be THAT princess

The horror of human trafficking has been repeatedly distorted in the U.S. public by feminist protests against the sex industry. The image of the crime is one of greedy and lustful men forcing women into prostitution or captivity in foreign lands. The truth is marginalized people being exploited for labor. Meschael Alayban’s alleged crime reminds that women are slavers too. Bet we won’t hear much about that fact in the MSM. [Illustration by Typhonblue]

Team Kellett pulls fast one

Mary Kellett, the corrupt prosecutor in Maine, may still escape justice. AVfM has received word that a backroom deal has been struck for Kellett. With little advance notice, a hearing for Kellett was scheduled for the morning of Monday, July 15th in Portland, Maine. The system is protecting one of its own at the expense of men like Vladek Filler and we need your help.

[NEWS]But what about teh wimminz

BBC Women’s hour presents an information session on male victims of domestic violence. Well, no, actually, they don’t. They present a MISinformation session on how to perpetuate domestic violence apologia, blame victims for their own abuse and marginalize already marginalized group–male victims of domestic violence. Is anyone surprised at this point?

PZ Myers jokes about rape

PZ Myers, no stranger to fuckwitery, really pulls out all the stops in this latest stunt. While having one of his blow-hard online discussions, this one about the Facebook censorship campaign, PZed actually tells a rape joke during a discussion on how to censor other people for doing the same. Fuck you, PZed.