The 2014 Oscars… er, THELMAS! And the winner is….
The Academy Awards, also known as The Oscars, will be given out and celebrated this year. We of the MHRM will also be giving out The Thelmas. Robert Sides has a writeup on the award-winning films.
The Academy Awards, also known as The Oscars, will be given out and celebrated this year. We of the MHRM will also be giving out The Thelmas. Robert Sides has a writeup on the award-winning films.
Robert Sides is thinking ahead to Father’s Day this year, which falls on June 16. He is asking MHRAs from across the globe to participate in sending a message to President Obama about fatherhood, and how important it is that we protect it. It is as simple and easy as mailing a post card.
The men’s human rights movement has a winding, often buried and intractable history. A thousand upstarts, a thousand failures, heroes, snakes in the grass, and many, many, many wounded men. Robert Sides brings us one slice of that history with the telling of just one of those stories.
Robert Sides offers some light-hearted sticker idea, and where to stick them, so that we can stick it to the feminist. We don’t know exactly what else to say, but when we run across some good ideas we like to stick with them.
What are the best pictures that never won a Thelma? Zero Dark Vagiina? The Wizard of Kos? A Slut is Born? Rape Culture Millionaire? How about Andrea Dworkin’s The Girth of a Nation? This year, all the choices are up to you, says Robert Sides.
Perhaps one of the most telling aspects of the feminist mind is that it is only able to see men in terms of wealth and privilege, as though 99% of men ever even knew what it was like to have those things, or even imagine having them.
A Voice for Men welcomes new contributor Robert Sides with a hind sight view of flower power and the aligning of the planets into something…well, nefarious. Mars has been cast aside and Venus is rising, along with a bad moon.