“Consent For Me, But Not For Thee” and other Black feminist hypocrisies
Mumia Ali notices that among feminists, attakcs on “The Nice Guy” are astonishingly hypocritical given feminist propensity to make the exact same complaints as “Nice Guys.”
Mumia Ali notices that among feminists, attakcs on “The Nice Guy” are astonishingly hypocritical given feminist propensity to make the exact same complaints as “Nice Guys.”
The diva culture of feminism continues to be fertilized with the pain of its DV victims. Mumia Ali continues to illuminate the guilty.
When your political feminism is making your personal life miserable, perhaps you should reassess. Mumia Ali shows where to start.
The tendency to Ignore violence against men extends throughout ethnic groups. Mumia Ali calls foul on those who marginalize the experiences of African American men.
Black America’s press has manifestly failed to do much of anything to address the actual issues facing most black people, especially Black Men. Mumia Ali aims to change that.
Being a jerk can limit your career aspirations. Taking pride in being a jerk is not a winning cultural strategy, either. Mumia Ali investigates.
Just what have Black Feminists in America accomplished to make life better for Black Women? Mumia Ali takes a hard look and finds nothing of substance, but he has some suggestions.
When men reject women’s sexual advances, they’re just mean. She’s really nice! What’s your problem?
Part two of Mumia Ali’s interview with RooshV.
The subject of “Game” has many supporters and many detractors. AVfM has historically taken a rather dim view of the subject, for a host of reasons, however, here we present a first-time at-length interview with one of its most noted proponents.