Mike Buchanan

Why MRAs (and their sympathisers) should contribute to the funding of Ava Brighton’s documentary ‘A VOID’

The young Dutch anti-feminist Ava Brighton (above) has quickly made a name for herself in the MRM. Her website is here. She burst onto the consciousness of MRAs nine months ago with her first video, ‘Are Almost All Women CLINICALLY INSANE?’ She has since published another 17 videos, the latest being the trailer (11:14) for …

Why MRAs (and their sympathisers) should contribute to the funding of Ava Brighton’s documentary ‘A VOID’ Read More »

Domestic Abuse is a Men’s Issue, Too (National Conference on Men’s Issues)

[Note added 6 June: Regrettably we have had to change the timetable, as the video received from Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan had a technical problem. She is going to film another and we’ll publish it as soon as it’s available.]   The first National Conference on Men’s Issues, Domestic Abuse is a Men’s Issue Too, will …

Domestic Abuse is a Men’s Issue, Too (National Conference on Men’s Issues) Read More »

Robinson College cites anti-terrorism policy as reason to deny J4MB hire of its conference facilities in 2022

Established followers of this website may recall that in 2015 Amnesty International denied our political party Justice for Men & Boys the opportunity of using its London conference facilities to host the 2016 International Conference on Men’s Issues, on the grounds that J4MB is an anti-feminist political party, while Amnesty is a feminist organization. Our …

Robinson College cites anti-terrorism policy as reason to deny J4MB hire of its conference facilities in 2022 Read More »

Appeal to fund Mike Buchanan’s attendance at the Conference on Men’s Issues, New Delhi, 21-23 February, 2020

It is widely agreed across the Men’s Rights Movement that the movement in India is the most advanced in the world. It follows that Men’s Rights Activists based outside India have things to learn from the Indian movement. Anil Kumar is the leader of the Save Indian Family Foundation and is well known to MRAs …

Appeal to fund Mike Buchanan’s attendance at the Conference on Men’s Issues, New Delhi, 21-23 February, 2020 Read More »