Greg Canning

International Men’s Health Week 2013

Dr. Greg Canning is calling on all advocates for men and boys about International Men’s Health Week and to spend some time considering your own health. If you are due for a checkup, or overdue, go get one. Think about lifestyle changes that will add some quality and maybe quantity to your life.

Equality cupcakes

Monash University has a cupcake for you. It’s a really good deal. It is even a better deal if you have a vagina, and still better if you are trangender. At Monash, uneven pricing, based on sex and gender, equal equality. Meanwhile, uneven student and faculty populations equal the same.

Designer vaginas

Clementine Ford wants to talk about the horrible practice of men forcing women to such depraved levels of vanity that they are seeking state sponsored genital mutilation. She even gives her readers edicts on how they will discuss the problem. For now, she is cutting the penis talk off.