Dating in the Double-Bind
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
“There are no words at times to convey how inhumane some people can be to others.” Parental Alienation
“There are no words at times to convey how inhumane some people can be to others.” Parental Alienation
Maine doesn’t need this; the only work Paul Cavanaugh should be doing in a prosecutor’s office is mopping the floors and cleaning the restrooms. There are very good reasons why he was not elected District Attorney for Hancock and Washington counties, the primary one being his ethical impairment. It seems the citizens of those counties have a …
Motivational kick in the butt for MRAs. Lets get out there and make things happen.
“There are no words at times to convey how inhumane some people can be to others.” Parental Alienation
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
Marriage and Respect
Someone once said: “you are always stepping on your own dick.” Response: “at least I know which direction I’m moving.” Don’t be afraid
MGTOW and the freedom to do great things