An Introduction and a Challenge

Many readers on this site already know me, as I have written for AVfM under a different name. For reasons becoming entirely too common within the men’s rights community, it is impractical to continue writing using the name printed on my driver’s license.

Paul Elam has asked me to take a managerial role on this site, and I have accepted. That does not mean I will be proofing articles for spelling and grammar, as I know myself to be unqualified for that task. I will be developing and coordinating projects, some of which will reach outside the limits of this site. Paul and I agree that continued success of this movement will be driven by participation from skilled MRA’s with the courage and intelligence to act.

That would be you.

Some of that action already takes the form of writing content on websites and blogs. It is a beginning, but the tide of social change loathes stagnation.

I have been recently told I should stop tilting at windmills and behave myself like a responsible adult; told that my effort is the pointless flapping of a child who hasn’t learned to accept reality.

I’ve been told to grow up, in effect; to man up.

There are a number of sensible arguments against the advocacy of men’s rights. At base, they are all appeals to fear and to force.

I’ve been told that the MRM will likely have little or no impact. This is already provably false – we’re under attack – a very good sign indeed. Each of the innumerable, reasonable and logical arguments against my contrary attitude is at base an argument for apathy.

“There’s nothing you can do, so it would be pointless and wasteful to try.”

This is the most morally empty position it is possible for a human to take. The embrace of the idea of futility is a seductive rationalization which excuses self-responsibility.

Besides being amoral, the do-nothing argument is false.

Every major societal, social, technological change and paradigm shift in human history has been the result of the actions of small groups of individuals. A massive collective does not create change. A collective, a culture, a social demographic, or a society acts with a collective will to preserve and enforce the existing state of affairs.

Change has always, and will always come from the individual. For example, me – or perhaps you.

Consider this question, asked by a child:

Daddy, what did you during the rise of fascism?

I know my answer to that.

Do you?  I ask that again. Do you?

The state of feminist governance is now bearing down on men with predominant aggressor laws, mandatory arrest policies; even lowering the standard of proof against us where it concerns any crime against a woman.  And all this well after a tsunami of corruption eviscerating the civil rights of fathers and inflicting horrendous psychological damage to their children. There is scarcely a family court in the western world with a judge that does not deserve to be in shackles.

This are matters just scratching the surface of the perils we now face, and that our children will face in the absence of our resolve, or, in the presence of our cowardice, if you prefer.

We, this ragtag band of misfits, with computers and bloody keyboards, are the only ones speaking out against it.  And people are starting to listen. Not yet in the numbers that will facilitate a positive outcome, but in number sufficient to instill fear in our opponents, forcing them to take the offensive.

When the voice of the contrarian is silenced, either by fear or force – whoever remains is either a prisoner, or a jailer.

Which are you?

More importantly – what do you mean to do about it?

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