
Connecting the Dots

Everything you know comes from your brain. It’s like a library, but before you can know something your brain has to get the information, it has to put books on its shelves. Your brain collects information your whole life and stores it in your library, in your brain. Just like a library you can’t read all the books at the same time, so when you wonder about something or become curious your brain will check to see if it has information that it can give you.

You’re Out!

That’s the magic for kids in sports. First you try and eventually succeed, but once you succeed you’re immediately confronted with what comes next. For those who don’t recognize the process it’s called life. Long before ever mentioning the politics of a team effort, at some point kids need to learn to make an effort and why. It’s the reward of being challenged and challenging yourself till you do succeed.

The Indifference to Male Pain

The man’s name was Thomas Ball, and he doused himself in gasoline, then ignited himself on the steps of the courthouse in NH. Mr Ball chose to use his own self selected and agonizing death to focus public attention on the corruption of the family courts. He did this two days ago. And before just now, you have probably never heard of him. The mainstream media has no interest in human suffering, when it belongs to a man.

A Father’s Day Letter to President Obama

It is strangely ironic in a culture that routinely destroys men in this way, on the often capricious whims of wives who are enabled by a corrupt system of family law, that we also lead the world in politicians who lecture those victimized men on being good fathers and husbands.

How to Break a Dialectic

The transition from second to third wave has not made feminism any less hostile or hateful. This was a superficial change, a rhetorical rejigging – the plastering of makeup onto the public face for public consumption. While the feminists of the second wave openly admitted to hating all men, modern day Earnest Feminists recognize certain categories of men who are not deserving of hatred – conjuring up exceptions to more easily maintain the general rule.