Male Disposability

India decides feeding men doesn’t matter

Forty percent of India’s population – millions of people – are impoverished. The nation has an epidemic of hunger, and thousands of homeless, mostly men. The government has decided to address the issue by initiating a food stamp program. The problem? They’re only giving food stamps to each household’s eldest female resident. This will leave thousands of men starving.

The Indifference to Male Pain

The man’s name was Thomas Ball, and he doused himself in gasoline, then ignited himself on the steps of the courthouse in NH. Mr Ball chose to use his own self selected and agonizing death to focus public attention on the corruption of the family courts. He did this two days ago. And before just now, you have probably never heard of him. The mainstream media has no interest in human suffering, when it belongs to a man.

Misdirected Anger; giving dad a break

I feel it is important to start sharing my story in order to shed light on the women who are not held accountable for the mental and/or physical destruction they inflict upon their children. My mother’s anti-male brainwashing, albeit uncontrived in the sense that she wasn’t smart enough to be intentionally devious, was unprecedented. And for what? To have a lifetime of emotional control over her sons?

Descent Into Madness, and Marc Lepine

Social commentators continue to regurgitate the popular message that men are failures for opting out of marriage version 2.0 – where women (but not men) can exit at any time, retaining their partner’s income while disposing of his person. This message coupled with various imperatives to man up and be the cash, labour and sperm dispenser that would make a Victorian era patriarch proud. The nearly universal message that any male self actualization not of utility to a woman is shameful.