jaredI started my life as half of a stereotype. My parents divorced a few months before I was born so according to just about every sitcom and movie of the nineties, I was destined to be one of those men whose “father was never there.” Destined to be one of the stoic and immature man-children who never listened to his mother and needed a woman to teach him how to be a proper human being worthy of a relationship and societal acceptance.

Yeah that half of the stereotype didn’t happen. Mostly because my mother didn’t take advantage of a legal system designed to destroy the lives of men. My parents held equal custody of their children. No allegations of abuse to win a case, no weekend visitation rights, no child support; equal custody. When I was with my father, his money is what fed me and the same with my mother. One of the most important examples of equality humanity has to offer in this day and age graced me upon birth.

So I suppose it’s obvious why I eventually became involved with Men’s Rights.

Misandry was recognizable to me growing up. My parents taught me that there are people in the world who do bad things to other people. However, school and television told me that there were men in the world who do bad things to other people, mostly women, and sometimes kittens, female ones. As the years went by I did what most people do when faced with things they don’t like or agree with. I ignored it. I changed the channel and turned my head when the billboards popped up. Being told that I was the problem because I happened to be born male didn’t sit well with me but I had a life to live. I was sure someone would start saying something about the one sided nature of the message being put forth.

I joined the army when I was nineteen. By age twenty I was in Iraq. The things I didn’t ignore on television told me that soldiers and policemen and firemen were heroes. I always had a strong impulse to run towards the dangerous situation everyone else was running away from so the choice seemed like the right one. Even though I didn’t like it, I think I took away a lot more positive learning experiences from the army than I’d like to admit but I digress. By age twenty-two I was back home, out of the military, and working a normal nine to five.  I knew nothing of feminism back then except for the soundbites of equality and Women’s Rights.

That all changed the day I was given a simple warning from my boss.

My boss wasn’t the bad guy in this situation. I don’t work for him anymore but I still like and respect him. He was basically looking out for me. Apparently because of an argument that was overheard between myself and a woman from a different department, the supervisor of this woman decided to make an informal complaint against me. I later learned that this supervisor hadn’t even heard the argument, just our elevated voices, nor had the woman I argued with made any complaints to her against me.

Women should never be hit by men, not even in self-defense because men are stronger; however, sometimes men deserve to be hit for the unforgivable crime of being honest if a woman asks you if she looks fat or if he upsets a woman in some way. This is why we were arguing, because I took issue with that sentiment. My boss, being the old school “look out for his guys” man that he was felt it necessary to warn me.

“Stay away from that one. You don’t want a sexual harassment charge.”

Needless to say I was at a loss for words. I knew he didn’t think I did anything he was just explaining to me without explaining to me that I could be fired over a sexual harassment complaint for an argument. I’m on good terms with the woman I argued with. She later saw the ridiculousness of what she said. I still to this day don’t know if I’ve even met the supervisor who made the complaint against me. But that day did something to me. It made me mad; furious. I wasn’t fired. However, there was a complaint lodged against me by a faceless accuser and no one wanted to hear my side of the story. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong, at least no more than the woman I argued with so why was I being treated like a criminal and warned about sexual harassment charges? Why was everyone given a voice in this situation but me?

I went on youtube, for the first time I believe. I don’t remember what I typed in the search bar. Probably something along the lines of “WHAT THE F#&K!?” I soon became one of the many youtube “debaters” who would seek out videos where I know people will be saying things I disagree with. That got old. I wasn’t angry anymore but I still felt like I needed to do something to right the wrong done to me. Then I stumbled across a video on an account called TheHappyMisogynist.

After that things just started falling into place. At first I was just ripping off Paul’s style. Then I tried, with my blog at least, to do some things different.  I never really had a “red pill” moment. In fact I think this is the first time I’ve ever typed red pill and I write fiction so that’s really saying something. What I received through videos on men’s issues was a name for one of the major reasons why men’s issues continue to exist; feminism. Everyone I saw who flew the feminist banner spewed the same hateful garbage. Some fluffed it up in ludicrous theories while others proudly shouted their hatred of the male sex. It was always obvious to me that a bias against men existed. Now I had a name for it.

Those who follow the feminist ideology propagate that all men need feminism’s “end violence against women” and “men can stop rape” classes as young boys to prevent them from being abusers and rapists as men.

I am not a dog that needs to be trained to lick at the heel of the feminist ideology.

After writing for Men’s News Daily, I was invited to write for A Voice for Men, though I still wanted to do more. I’ve been interested in creating music for a large portion of my life. Artists tend to put their ideals into their work and thus the message that men and boys are not the oppressive overlords that feminists claim made its way into my music.

When time in-between my two jobs permit, I’ll be busy producing content for my website and AVfM. Men are human beings, not abusers. Masculinity and male sexuality are not an affront to women’s humanity and no feminist is the authority on what makes a man good or bad.

Spread the word.

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2 thoughts on “Jared White”

  1. ..Masculinity and male sexuality are not an affront to women’s humanity and no feminist is the authority on what makes a man good or bad.

    Failure to see this truth is responsible for the present angst.

  2. !Agape!

    Cunts running around threatening to call ‘HR’ because the sky is blue, little tattle tailing children in large bodies. Fucking cunts and cunt laws.

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