The inevitability of MGTOW
Jack Goodfellow weighs the options of relationships with women and, drowning in a sea of infantilized women, finds MGTOW the only viable choice.
Jack Goodfellow weighs the options of relationships with women and, drowning in a sea of infantilized women, finds MGTOW the only viable choice.
Coming to recognize to the lies and deceit of the world’s views of men and of women can be painful. Christian Chiasson tells his tale of abuse–and awakening and healing.
Black men, brown men, men of all races: many the social forces we see now appear to many to have started in the 1970s in black and other minority communities, and Mr. Dawson explores the ramifications of that which he’s seen in that time.
In the year 1900 a burgeoning bachelor subculture was thriving in America, and a magazine entitled The Bachelor Book circulated for that audience. Here’s a sample article, Bachelorhood As a Fine Art.
AVFM Director of Collegiate Activism extends an acknowledgement and a welcome to, a recent addition to internet resources for men who choose a different path in life than what is chosen for them by others.
Anyone who thinks the issues we make noise about are “white” issues needs to wake up. The Straight Shooter tells it like it is.
MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way, are increasingly prevalent in our culture. Some are not even aware of what MGTOW is, but are MGTOW by default. The “scary” part? The fact that an increasing number are aware of exactly why they’re doing it.
The Ancient Greek story The Odyssey describes a man attempting to go his own way while enduring temptation by the Sirens, those femme fatales who pull men away from their chosen paths and into inevitable destruction. Our hero Odysseus shows that with awareness and skill, we can sail right past the temptresses and on to our chosen destination.
In a world where women are assumed to have little agency, and men much agency, there is a danger that if something goes wrong the man will get the blame. John Hembling proposes that before interacting, men should ask women to sign a ledger admitting to full and equal self-agency in their exchanges.
Marriage and Men Going Their Own Way compatible? Maybe some people could have thought that years ago, but at this point, argues John Hembling, the two are mutually exclusive concepts–and for good reason.