Steroids, Rape, and Toxic Anonymity
Jose Canseco has outed his accuser. He’s challenged dangerous anonymity in the sports world and now he’s challenging the dangerous anonymity in rape cases. Dangerous because a rape accusation can kill.
Jose Canseco has outed his accuser. He’s challenged dangerous anonymity in the sports world and now he’s challenging the dangerous anonymity in rape cases. Dangerous because a rape accusation can kill.
Clayton Craddock takes on Hallmark’s “Father’s day cards for mom” line and how it promotes the dysfunctional belief that mothers and fathers are interchangeable, on the one day set aside to celebrate fatherhood. If we want fathers to value being fathers, we need to honor the unique skills they bring to parenthood and not imply fathers are an extraneous add-on to families.
What do ideologues do when their lies are exposed, their reliance on intimidation and ad-hominem is laughed at, and the mainstream begins to call bullshit on their continued violent antics. They censor, obviously, and in dong so, prove their critics correct.
Michael Kimmel, a noxious bigot and sycophant with a PhD, recently got a large private grant to start a center for studying men’s and boys’ issues. Peter Allemano, in a devastatingly on-point review of Kimmel’s famous book Guyland, helps people get to know Kimmel’s scholarship a bit better.
There’s no question when writing comedy, there’s always a danger that you’ll offend someone. Nevertheless, sometimes what a culture thinks is funny, or not funny, says far more about that culture itself than it does about the nature of humor. It can tell us what we choose to see, and also what we choose not to see.
The University of North Carolina Women’s Hospital is just one of many, many women’s hospitals scattered across the western landscape. They are staffed almost entirely with specialists in women’s health. Michael Sharron can’t help but be thankful that he has a daughter, and not a son.
New A Voice for Men contributor John Kimble brings us a report informing us that efforts are still underway by Norton Symantec and O2 to prevent the public from accessing information on the issues faced by men and boys through censoring our websites. It effects 250,000,000 users.
A Voice for men welcomes new contributor Diana Davison, a Vintage Goth who has been through the full cycle of life; a blue pill upbringing, early adulthood in the middle of feminist culture, and the red pill awakening that eventually led her to the pages of this website. Welcome, Diana!
Whether you are man or woman, what is your morality about competing for the attentions of possible partners? What are your values? Mark Trueblood examines the ethics of scoring and the necessity for social consciousness — even in the cutthroat world of scoring.
And today you get a two-fer from the good people at MRA London. First an update on those in the UK who actually support men’s rights, and those who are Glen Poole. Whoa, what a difference! Also, a honey badger alert. Calling the women of the MHRM to take a stand against Radfems.