
Memewalk: Quit blaming kids!

This meme post is designed to give us all time to think over the weekend. Think of the poor children, being abused by a society that ingrains victim blaming into them from birth. It is a horrible thing to see and not even AVFM has adequately addressed the problem. Paul Elam offers an apology, and a reader submitted meme.

A pig wearing lipstick…

It’s undeniable: the Men’s Human Rights Movement is gaining massive traction. Real world activism is taking discernible shape. The Gender Ideologue response: trying to make their ugly ideology seem nice. But a turd by any other name would smell as foul.

The Whine Club

Laura Bates, creator of The Everyday Sexism Project, is one of the biggest whiners on the planet. Her effort would be better titled The Everyday Whining Project. Mike Buchanan has set up an alternative, and invites you to participate.

A note of thanks

Paul Elam sat down to write an article, but it appears his thoughts were dominated by the men and women working so hard for the MHRM. So instead of the standard article, he offers some extended words of thanks to those with their shoulders against the wheel.