Men’s Health

Cancer, prostates, and heroes

Prostate cancer kills an awful lot of men, and we ought to take it more seriously.. They say that men don’t look after their own health well enough, and in our experience, this is often true. Dan Schneider is on a mission to avoid being one of those “he shoulda gone to a doctor sooner” guys, and tells of his experiences in looking after himself… and why you should too.

How to help a man die well

Death is never an easy thing to deal with, especially when it happens to a loved one. When his grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer Phil in Utah took on the responsibility of caring for him in his final days. Here Phil describes his experience and gives us advice how to help another person who is passing. Empathy works wonders for people, and it is something that we must all embrace, male or female. [Illustration by Europa Phoenix.]

HPV: A women's issue that kills men

Human Papilloma Virus is spread through sexual contact and is more usually associated with cervical cancer in women. Of course, it is more usually associated with women because there is something else that is usually more associated with women. Social concern and compassion. HPV is another example of how men’s issues get buried in concern for women.

International Men’s Health Week 2013

Dr. Greg Canning is calling on all advocates for men and boys about International Men’s Health Week and to spend some time considering your own health. If you are due for a checkup, or overdue, go get one. Think about lifestyle changes that will add some quality and maybe quantity to your life.