How we kill Johnny
“I know I doan make a dime what she don’t spend right away. Sometime she spend it on some other guy. But I can’t help it. Every time she call my name I got to come runnin’. Lord never made a bigger fool than me.”
“I know I doan make a dime what she don’t spend right away. Sometime she spend it on some other guy. But I can’t help it. Every time she call my name I got to come runnin’. Lord never made a bigger fool than me.”
I am one of the fortunate few. My parents stayed together through it all. They still live in the house where I grew up. I can’t tell you what it means to me to be able to go back there for visits, and be surrounded by everything familiar. It will always be my home. It …
Feminism has spent the last fifty years critiquing masculinity. According to MHRAs they got most everything wrong. Paul Elam thinks they actually got a couple of things right, and then went completely south from there. In this seminal essay, he lays out what they got wrong, why, and how men will forge a new path.
Let me tell you what I’d do if I liked money more than self-respect. I’d go to the local shoppers club and buy a hundred gross of small brown paper bags. Then I’d drive out-of-town to the nearest auction barn and pay them a fair price to let me go into the stalls and fill …
“Truth is regarded as a terrible word in this age of deconstruction,” said Katherine Young, while fielding questions at the Conference on Male Studies today at Wagner College in New York.
You just need to be willing to observe and digest what is right in front of you. Your man isn’t prone to subtlety. He doesn‘t hint at hating, he radiates it if you are just paying attention.
The new decade will dawn with the United States still in two wars in the Middle East. It’s not so different from other times. Since it’s inception, The U.S. has been hard pressed to string together a significant number of years without rolling out the tanks for one reason or another. Some of those conflicts, …
“We can thank Levi Strauss & Co. for a new Dockers ad campaign that weaves sexism and homophobia into a pitch for pants,” says The Boston Herald’s Lauren Beckham Falcone. Similar sentiments are being echoed in print media across the nation and scathing condemnations have gone viral on the internet, particularly on feminists websites. “It’s time …
Dockers Ad Campaign a Good Fit, With Some Alterations Read More »
The media loves a hero with lipstick. Female Rambo’s sell, big time, translating into the holy cha-ching for news outlets and talk shows. Problem is, the media is so eager to exploit the heroics of a (hopefully photogenic) gun toting girl, they tend to get carried away with themselves and do silly things, like print packs …
Kimberly Munley, Jessica Lynch and the Path to Being a Media Heroine Read More »
This problem pervades the Libertarian Party as much as it does Republicans and Democrats. And it is symptomatic of the political cowardice that infests the American body politic, libertarians included.