Male victims and society’s lack of concern
Like always, feminists got it wrong. Not only do we not blame female victims, but they also receive more sympathy and consideration than male victims. Some patriarchy this is!
Like always, feminists got it wrong. Not only do we not blame female victims, but they also receive more sympathy and consideration than male victims. Some patriarchy this is!
With each pipe and joint I gained skill and satisfaction. When it was done, I felt proud and a little more of a man. At last I had stood in the old plumber’s shoes.
When suicide figures are badly mis-stated, reading straight out of figures that are in plain sight right on the page, you really have to wonder what’s wrong with certain bureaucrats.
It is day 5 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and this time’s Dr. Tara Palmatier brings us Verbal’s story, one of a man who has faced the beast and opted to stand between it and their children till they are on their own
Norah Vincent is a lesbian who has lived as a man for 18 months and then wrote the book Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Journey Into Manhood and Back Again.
According to many popular dialogues online and in the media today, looking at too much pornography can cause erectile dysfunction. Dr. David Ley responds to the hysteria.
Eating disorders: yes they happen to men too, and while the way they manifest is a little from how they manifest in women, they are rooted in the same problems–and solutions are available. Laura Rodgers explains.
Sometimes, it’s easier to tell the world what happened to us through writing.
Clint Carpentier muses and speculates on what being “nice” really is, and what it means in women and what it means in men.
Despite claims that the phrase was invented during the last decade, the phrase “Men Going Their Own Way,” or variants such as “going his own way,” or “go his own sweet way,” is hundreds of years old.