Men at Work
Where women naturally excel – homemaking, early childhood care, beautifying, verbal communication, emotional expression – they ought not to go anymore, according to feminists. Put on some pants, girl, and grab that power drill!
Where women naturally excel – homemaking, early childhood care, beautifying, verbal communication, emotional expression – they ought not to go anymore, according to feminists. Put on some pants, girl, and grab that power drill!
I am one of the fortunate few. My parents stayed together through it all. They still live in the house where I grew up. I can’t tell you what it means to me to be able to go back there for visits, and be surrounded by everything familiar. It will always be my home. It …
I’m fascinated by people that call themselves limited government conservatives, but sit by complacently like grinning, plastic bobble-heads, as long as the government is enforcing their religious and moral beliefs on the rest of the population.
I know that some of you are thinking, “Oh, that will never happen to me.” All I can say is that more than half of you are deluding yourselves, and the rest of you have no reliable way to know just how lucky you will be. For those who maintain that adolescent sense of invulnerability, such admonitions will fall on deaf ears. Never underestimate the power of denial.