The Princess and the Plow Horse
If there was ever a better allegory for understanding Men Going Their Own Way, and men’s refusal to “man up” and provide, we don’t think a better one’s been done than this.
If there was ever a better allegory for understanding Men Going Their Own Way, and men’s refusal to “man up” and provide, we don’t think a better one’s been done than this.
In the introduction to his Encyclopedia Mysteriosa, William L. DeAndrea lists a series of assumptions that underlie detective fiction: That such a thing as objective truth exists. That it’s desirable to find out what it is. That it’s possible to find out what the truth is. That people have a responsibility to their fellow beings …
Economist Aaron Clarey, also known as Captain Capitalism, has an honest review of the good and the bad of Peter Wright and Paul Elam’s “Going Your Own Way: Understanding MGTOW”
Experiencing moments of self-determination are not enough to qualify a man as MGTOW. As Andrew DiKaiomata explains it requires a commitment to future self-determination as well.
If you are a father in the United States who has experienced divorce, then you know that the family courts are designed to destroy you.
Jim Doyle(Gingko) tells us all about the radical feminist group Redstockings who were the first to shame men for refusing to cowtow to pussy power. See? MGTOW shaming has a long and storied history among feminists. Of course the men the Redstockings shamed were gay. [Illustration by Europa Phoenix]
Black men, brown men, men of all races: many the social forces we see now appear to many to have started in the 1970s in black and other minority communities, and Mr. Dawson explores the ramifications of that which he’s seen in that time.
Paul has some thoughts on MGTOW. Like all other thoughts on MGTOW, they are his alone.
Conservative women are demanding that men “man up” and marry them. August Løvenskiolds responds: no thanks.
This article was originally published in 2014. – Eds. * * * In this piece I’ll be looking at the opposite of MGTOW, at what MGTOW isn’t, in order to throw MGTOW into sharp relief against impostors. Naturally, this is my own take, one of numerous that abound on the Internet and one that comes …