Female suicides: A deadly fabrication?
There is a commonplace claim that women are substantially more likely to THREATEN to kill themselves than men are. But is it true?
There is a commonplace claim that women are substantially more likely to THREATEN to kill themselves than men are. But is it true?
Clint Carptentier analyzes the cult classic featuring David Bowie, “Labyrinth.”
There are no good men, huh? Mumia Ali asks what few will ask: who are the marginalized men? He thinks he knows who. We think others know too, and are just afraid to say so.
When a drunk girl gives a bunch of nervous uncomfortable drunk guys in a bar blow jobs in public, those guys are obviously rapists, right?
Rita Panahi says that equality is essential but so is chivalry. Jim Muldoon explores how this thinking shows that criticizing feminism does not, all by itself, make you a friend to men and boys.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too ladies. No, you really can’t, no matter how much feminism tries to tell you otherwise.
Here we have a bunch of boys, full to the gills with misogyny, doing “The Patriarchy” proud. We have a question though: would the girls have hit the boys?
The Manspreading issue: is there no end to the hateful, thoughtless, misogynist trends in modern culture? To women everywhere, we apologize for having testicles.
Look out, Men’s RIghts Edmonton is making trouble again!
A radical thought: that all should be held to the same expectations, work should be judged on its merit, and that a qualified potential employee should be given the same consideration regardless of sex.