My Older Brother
We’re not going anywhere pleasant from here, folks. Just take a look at what transpired in England a few months after this album’s release. Angry Harry put one word underneath it: feminism. I find myself in agreement.
We’re not going anywhere pleasant from here, folks. Just take a look at what transpired in England a few months after this album’s release. Angry Harry put one word underneath it: feminism. I find myself in agreement.
And remember, this is the Jezzy’s we’re talking about. It’s the same crowd of women who gather online to back slap each other over being physically abusive to their partners. They hardly surprise.
So VAWA conveniently omits the fact that the actual number may be 152,000, not 324,000. And most incidents of “violence” consist of a minor shove or slap – a far cry from what most people think of as “battering.”
If I am a man that can determine that my relationship is unhealthy and wish to opt out, how do I avoid the warfare that the system and its institutions impose on me? If I do not feel obligated to work it out, how can I leave without being pulled into a war?
By trotting out a sympathetic victim, playing on lawmaker chivalry, or resorting to outright falsehoods, feminists have been able to maintain hegemony over the public discourse.
It was a stunning statement from a man who otherwise appears not to understand the problem. Says Poe, “I’m open to changing the name. Domestic Violence Act. I like that phrase.”
Then there is her sexist view of the “tone argument.” “However, when men use it against women it is especially pernicious.” Why? Because somehow this becomes the use of “male privilege” to silence women and win the argument.
Did you write any angry letters to your congressman or to the editor of your local newspaper when Crystal Gayle Mangum got off scot free after being busted lying about being raped – at the expense of three innocent men? How about the same for Danielle Ndonye who lied about being raped by five men at Hofstra University in New York?
Bet you didn’t.
People with common sense can deduce that humans fell into their roles because of the human instinct for survival. Evolution or god, whatever you want to believe, gave men and women natural biological abilities and instincts with which to use these abilities. This is why when men were building and leading a medieval society in England, men were also building and leading a society in feudal Japan. Simply put, men were given the natural physical strength, ability, and aggressive nature needed to do these things. Were there weak, lazy, unmotivated men in these times? Yes no one denies that but if you can show me a civilization built primarily by female labor, defended primarily by female warriors, and technologically advanced primarily by female inventions then I’ll buy your poorly written comic book for a dollar.
Feminists that don’t need men will need the state, which is run by the worst sorts of men and women imaginable. Now the state is our father, and what a rotten dad he is.