Feminist Censorship
Jim Crow laws and feminism
Jim Crow laws dictated how Black folks were to treat white folks. Feminism is trying to create the same rules and laws for men.
Confronted by Evidence
Steve Carter learns in a sociology class that there’s no excuse for domestic violence; except when it’s women’s violence against children.
“Check Your Privilege” was an idiotic phrase
Julie Borowski has some advice for people who parrot that vacuous phrase ‘check your privilege’: how about you first check your own ignorance, and while you’re at it, check your manners.
Big Red – 10 years on
Today marks 10 years since the Canadian Association for Equality held an event at the University of Toronto at which Big Red made a spectacle of herself and provided us with memes that will last a lifetime. The featured image of Big Red is taken from Wikimannia Commons.
Eton’s playing fields are only fit for netball now
This article has been reproduced from The Conservative Woman with the permission of the author. –Ed THE Duke of Wellington, celebrated for defeating Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, is often said to have declared that ‘the battle was won on the playing fields of Eton’. A privileged, elitist school serving the sons of the …
Eton’s playing fields are only fit for netball now Read More »
Censorship in academia in real-time
Recently an article was published in the open-access journal Nature Communications. This article, entitled The association between early career informal mentorship in academic collaborations and junior author performance suggests that less experienced female scientists benefit more from mentorship by more experienced male scientists than more experienced female scientists. Of course, feminists are demanding that the …
Paul to YouTube: Piss Off
Watch Paul’s latest video talk on Bitchute because he just put YouTube in the rear view mirror.
Robinson College cites anti-terrorism policy as reason to deny J4MB hire of its conference facilities in 2022
Established followers of this website may recall that in 2015 Amnesty International denied our political party Justice for Men & Boys the opportunity of using its London conference facilities to host the 2016 International Conference on Men’s Issues, on the grounds that J4MB is an anti-feminist political party, while Amnesty is a feminist organization. Our …