
Ernest Belfort Bax on ‘Sentimental Feminism’ vs. ‘Political Feminism’

In the following quotes Bax describes ‘Sentimental Feminism’ and ‘Political Feminism’, a distinction having striking similarities to Naomi Wolf’s ‘Victim Feminism’ and ‘Power Feminism’ (coined 80 years after Bax). The main difference is that where Wolf sees Power Feminism as positive and Victim Feminism as negative, Bax described, convincingly, that both polarities of feminism acted corruptly. * * …

Ernest Belfort Bax on ‘Sentimental Feminism’ vs. ‘Political Feminism’ Read More »

Radical Red Stockings

It is hard to build bridges towards gender equality when feminists keep burning them down. Our buddy Jim Doyle at Genderratic.com continues to expose the foundational misandry of feminism, and offers his version of an oath designed to rid feminism of their class hatred of men: kiss patriarchy theory goodbye. Happy July 4th, ladies, and enjoy the fireworks. [Illustration by Typhonblue]