Ernest Belfort Bax Describes “Aggressive Weakness” Of Feminists
Weakness forfeits its claim to chivalry when it presumes upon that claim and becomes aggressive. ~ E.B. Bax
Weakness forfeits its claim to chivalry when it presumes upon that claim and becomes aggressive. ~ E.B. Bax
Bax describes the alternating feminist appeals to differences, and then sameness of the sexes.
Anyone following the ‘Women Against Feminism’ hashtag on Twitter will notice the angry replies of feminists claiming non-feminists are idiots, morons, retards and other epithets. Ron Collins stands guilty as charged: he does not understand feminism.
It is hard to build bridges towards gender equality when feminists keep burning them down. Our buddy Jim Doyle at continues to expose the foundational misandry of feminism, and offers his version of an oath designed to rid feminism of their class hatred of men: kiss patriarchy theory goodbye. Happy July 4th, ladies, and enjoy the fireworks. [Illustration by Typhonblue]
Winning a race is easy when you start with one foot already across the finish line, and everyone else pretends not to notice.
Paul is interviewed by Libertarian Tom Woods.
In this meticulously documented paper, Dr. Murray Straus presents exactly how feminist ideologues corrupt DV research and skew results to fit an ideological agenda. Must reading for those concerned with partner violence.
Based Mom aka The Factual Feminist asks a few important questions about street harassment and catcalling and who has privilege over whom?