
Cult-ivating Feminism

Diana Davison provides us yet another perspective on the possible causes that lead to “Women’s Studies” The usual suspects are there. Narcissism. Hostility. Susceptibility to hypnotic suggestion. And more. We would say more, but you better read this article and find out for yourself.

Finly issues ultimatum to AVFM

A Voice for Men issues a one time pass for Loy Finly to appear on the pages of this website to offer perspective in dissent of the majority of the Men’s Human Rights Movement. To be honest, after getting an inquiry from Bug Brennan, we were scared into letting Loy get a few words in.

Welcome to the Femtriarchy

Jared White has good news for feminists. Patriarchy is real! And we gotta do something about it. In fact, we are doing something about it. Although for some strange reason, some people are resistant to it. We wonder why. Maybe it’s their desire to cling to patriarchy?

Who are you, man?

John the other searches though the burned down remains of a Jake Pentland article on masculinity and feminism, looking for meaning. He found some of sorts, though not the kind that was intended when Pentland wrote the article. No clues, though. You have to read it for yourself.


If you ask Gordon Wadsworth, feminism isn’t and perhaps never was a socially progressive movement. Tied to and subservient to archaic sex roles, feminism is just another expression of old school humanity, and as such it serves as an impediment to self-actualization for both men and women.

In defence of Patton Oswalt

Elly Tams, whose PhD in Gender Studies has been converted into a Doctorate of FTSU, returns with an eye-rolling rumination on the apparent ongoing need of feminists to pick on comedians. This time Patton Oswalt is in their crosshairs. Good luck dealing with those harpies, Patton.