Raven Moon Dragon returns!
AVfM’s favorite feminist returns with her latest video update on how men objectify and hurt women with their eyes and their brains. Their brains!
AVfM’s favorite feminist returns with her latest video update on how men objectify and hurt women with their eyes and their brains. Their brains!
Audrey Tautou’s career is exactly what she chose, her dreams are intact, and she claims to be happy with her life. Unfortunately for Audrey, the feminist social narrative wants her to be miserable, and they won’t rest until she is “ruined.”
Another feminist ideologue gets fired. After Iceland, now Norway throws away a politician whose sole purpose in office was to make men and boys’ lives miserable. Lucian Vâlsan reports
Everybody panic! Some Canadian students chanted something rude! It supposedly condoned rape! At least, according to John the Other, that’s a lie some are selling.
The latest spin craze in the world of feminism has come courtesy of some business students at the University of British Columbia. It is chanting, and Paul Elam covers the craze.
Andy Thomas muses on shifting economics, developments no one seems to have foreseen, and wonders if feminism won’t die a natural death because governments will lose the ability to control one thing: money.
Jaclyn Friedman is a gynocentric bully and bigot. Diana Davison looks at how Friedman likens the internet to a clitoris, bullies other women, and other daffy nonsense.
The world has long labored under political and social rule designed predominately for the benefit of women. Clearly this is no patriarchy, but what might we call it? The history books provide a useful term for us.
Silly brown women. Feminists NEED you, but they don’t WANT you. #solidarityisforwhitewomen Now run along and take care of those little white babies. So sayeth Janet Bloomfield, who last we heard is one Judgy Bitch!
As societies struggle for survival in hostile environments, should they place more value on either men or women? Neither, says August Løvenskiolds. In today’s world, such questions are out of date.