
Fuck You, Tammy Bruce

Tammy Bruce has a new brand of feminism that we are all supposed to sign on to. It’s about shaming men sexually, controlling them and discussing women’s rights without even mentioning men’s rights. Uh, wait a minute. This is strangely familiar, isn’t it?

Sentimental feminism vs. political feminism

Bax was the first to describe the twin monsters he called ‘Sentimental Feminism’ and ‘Political Feminism’, a distinction having striking similarities to Naomi Wolf’s ‘Victim Feminism’ and ‘Power Feminism’ (coined 80 years after Bax). We’ll let Mr. Bax fill you in on the details with commentary from his 1913 book The Fraud of Feminism.

End of Whom You Say?

Hanna Rosin’s idea that this is the End of Men is an idea with the same tenacious stickiness as the wage gap myth, only male perpetrated domestic violence and the rule of thumb. No matter how completely debunked, it lingers like a bad odor. Paul Elam gives you five reasons it isn’t true. Feel free to add more.

The Everyday Solipsism Project

Diana Davison notices that women’s lived experiences trump all other perspectives, except when those women’s lived experiences do not match the ideological requirements of other women. And it’s all ultimately men’s fault, apparently, although how that’s so ain’t exactly clear.