
Feminist Workplace Myths

Multi tasking it seems is something that a person is only capable of doing when the tasks are menial. Any highly skilled job or operation requires absolute concentration on the task at hand. This is why a surgeon does not take the time to answer his phone during heart surgery. If you want something done well you give it your full and undivided attention; it’s that simple.

Sarah Palin Needs to Rein in Her Harsh Feminist Rhetoric

I applaud Sarah Palin’s passion, her adroit sense of humor, and her you-go-girl! gumption. But the more I learn about Sarah Palin, the more I become perplexed by her over-heated gender-bending rhetoric. I believe we can all agree that men and women should have equal opportunities. But let’s not confuse equal opportunities with identical outcomes. …

Sarah Palin Needs to Rein in Her Harsh Feminist Rhetoric Read More »

Anatomy of a Victim Ideology

But if feminism truly was about equality, shouldn’t feminists be pushing for new laws to criminalize more women, rather than their anti-egalitarian approach of imprisoning less women and more men? Or does equality only matter when it is women who are deemed unequal? (In and of itself, this would imply strongly that women are a privileged class like no other.)