Feminist Governance

The Fraud of Feminism part two

AVfM presents one of the seminal works of Men’s Human Rights literature on the eve of its 100th anniversary of publication. This is the second part of this historic document, the first published here a year ago. You will be amazed to find how salient the topics and conclusions discussed in this historic artifact are to the issues we deal with today in the Men’s Human rights movement! Enjoy this fascinating slice of history.

Sweden, where man-beating is sport!

Former prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge RK Hendrick was more than upset at recent video of a female cop and her dog beating an unarmed drunk man who posed no threat to her in front of multiple witnesses. Was it simple arrogance on her part or due to the perception that women can get away with brutality to men in Sweden, which has become notorious for legalized misandry?

EU stamps out economic freedom for feminism

The European Union is considering adopting a law that would force all companies to have at least 40% of their directors and upper managers be women. The consequences of this are far-reaching and devastating to economies that are already suffering. But the news is great for the millions of women clambering to work in heavy construction. Trade in your bows for hardhats, ladies – Lucian Vâlsan backhoes the dirt for us.

Mary Kellett and Vladek Filler

If you’re still trying to put together what the Mary Kellett/Vladek Filler saga is all about, and why you should be in Portland Maine on Monday July 15 if you can be, Girl Writes What has an article that lays out in written form, in very plain and understandable language, what’s happening. It’s a text version of a recent video she did, which is great for those of you who prefer to read–or want something you can search and reference.

Superiority in the name of equality

It is accepted wisdom that women are and always have been oppressed. Indeed, this belief is so common it doesn’t even qualify as “feminist” anymore. Jim Muldoon suspects he might enjoy being oppressed. We think we might like being oppressed too; it looks like a pretty good gig. [Illustration by Europa Phoenix]