I’d Give You an “A”
I could tell by the way these kids responded to me that every one of them was a damn fine kid just bleeding for some attention, and specifically from a father.
I could tell by the way these kids responded to me that every one of them was a damn fine kid just bleeding for some attention, and specifically from a father.
[box]If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine. – Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara[/box] With all this talk of revolution I’ve been casting my mind forward to 2020, when some say the misandry bubble will have burst and the male will have regained primacy in society, at least politically. I’m …
Dreamin’ of the Revolution: A Post-Feminist Man Gives the Wheel a Spin Read More »
Feminists don’t hold women responsible for anything, which makes them believe they have no power. If a man makes a mistake, it’s because men are bad. If a woman makes a mistake, it’s because men are bad.
On publication of his paper Sokal exposed his hoax in the journal Lingua Franca. The editors of Social Text immediately cried foul and added a misplaced criticism of Sokal’s writing style. They missed the point, entirely. Sokal’s intent was to write badly (and think badly) yet have his poor scholarship overlooked due to its superficial accordance with leftist ideology.
Doubtful Sound in New Zealand is one of those places you should see before you die. The scenery is enough to eclipse any of my paltry attempts to describe it, but I can try to tell you what I saw; scattered, small emerald peaks rising out of placid, reflecting water the color of tea. Still …
And people, whether it is women gone insane with the power of the pussy pass, or the men who are in fact the underwriters of those passes, will surely bring their wrath down upon you. They will rush in to scream, “You NEVER hit a woman! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!”
Feminism has spent the last fifty years critiquing masculinity. According to MHRAs they got most everything wrong. Paul Elam thinks they actually got a couple of things right, and then went completely south from there. In this seminal essay, he lays out what they got wrong, why, and how men will forge a new path.
Women don’t have roles any more, except as they choose to take them on. Even then, they can change that role fluidly depending on whether they are vying for a promotion or sitting with a man in a restaurant when the dinner check arrives.
The response to our finding that the rate of female-to-male violence was equal to the rate of male-to-female violence not only produced heated scholarly criticism, but intense and long lasting personal attacks. All three of us received death threats.~ Richard Gelles Domestic Violence. Even the mention of the words conjures up the larger than life image …