A Friendly Note from Adèle Mercier
Adèle Mercier has written the staff of AVFM. She is not a happy camper.
Adèle Mercier has written the staff of AVFM. She is not a happy camper.
It’s election time in Brazil, and the incumbent President has been caught with her pants down: a group of her cronies fabricated a phony statistic claiming a majority of Brazilians supported raping a scantily clad woman. It made international headlines, and it was a lie. Aldir Gracindo has a report from Brazil.
Hanna Wallen (aka Della Burton) has a challenge for her fellow women. She’s taken the first step. Will other women follow suit? We hope so, and we thank those who do.
The Men’s Human Rights Movement has launched a nationwide campaign this weekend. We cheer them on, and urge others across the world follow their lead!
Professor Adèle Mercier appears to be not just a bullying, censoring thug, but to indeed be a rape apologist. Typhonblue calls her out for it in video form.
As promised, Dr. Warren Farrell announces the workshop he is making available to those who want to enhance their understanding of the issues as well as becoming more effective activists. The workshop promises to be a highlight of the entire conference in Detroit.
Victor Zen responds to a politely delivered, but still dogmatic comment from “real” feminist Amelie Mangelschots. Remember, bad feminists aren’t real. Only the good parts make up real feminism.
Based on internet comments made at Queen’s University’s “The Journal” and other internet comments elsewhere, it appears that a Queen’s University associate professor is a child rape apologist.
Philip W. Cook has suggestions on how to take advantage of an extraordinary moment provided by RAINN.
Wikipedia was a project that started with noble intentions, to get information to the world freely and that anyone with knowledge could contribute to. It’s now used as a tool by ideologues to quash dissent. Dean Esmay, a Wikipedia editor with 10 years experience, explains how this has become the case, and what can be done about it.