Come to the KSUM fall conference (free tickets)
Free tickets are available to the Kennesaw State University Men’s conference in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Jonathan Taylor has a video explaining why you should come if you can!
Free tickets are available to the Kennesaw State University Men’s conference in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Jonathan Taylor has a video explaining why you should come if you can!
What happens when you hit a dead end? Jeb Kinnison considers the increasingly failing arguments of modern feminism and the shrill ideologues with no place left to run.
Dr. Paul Nathanson planned to speak to the International Conference on Men’s Issues and was unable to in part due to concerns over harassment and in part due to family bereavement. Here’s the presentation he planned to give.
Social Justice Warriors have destroyed the video game press. A schism is needed. So says Sargon of Akkad.
Violence is never funny. Unless of course it’s a man being severely abused by a woman.
As AVFM has evolved into a much larger organization, it has become necessary to provide a more concrete and definitive statement of our mission and goals. Here they are, from Senior AVFM Staff.
The situation in Ferguson Missouri remains unacceptable.
Another video shows that this myth of “normalized violence against women” knows no language barrier.
It always comes across as peculiar when feminists dwell on women receiving the legal right to vote a few generations ago, and yet men still don’t have a legal right to genital integrity! Joe Wilson brings our focus back to the flesh and blood issue of male genital mutilation, which deserves attention from everyone genuinely concerned about human rights.
Boko Haram continues to terrorize Nigeria. But since men are the main demographic being killed and kidnapped, we rarely hear about it. Lucian Vâlsan postulates why this is the case.