Why feminists are quiet on Rotherham
The child sex scandals in Rotherham, England are something gender ideologues are strangely silent on in much of the press. How deep does this rabbit hole go? Jim Muldoon explores.
The child sex scandals in Rotherham, England are something gender ideologues are strangely silent on in much of the press. How deep does this rabbit hole go? Jim Muldoon explores.
If you don’t remember when taking out tonsils was an everyday thing, your parents or grandparents do. We don’t do that anymore. But some stupid practices haven’t changed,
Dr. T explains reality to a radio show host that seems to struggle with it.
The old social contract called for respect in exchange for expectations. The new one apparently demands respect, without giving any.
A dangerous man utters some dangerous thoughts. Run away! Run away!
There has been a tremendous amount of hyperbole about porn use, with many authors claiming that viewing porn triggers dangerous neurochemical changes in the brain. Dr, David Ley provides groundbreaking new research that proves it just ain’t so.
Trigger warning for Social Justice Warriors: woman armed with bricks of logic and fact.
The Justice 4 Men and Boys (& the Women Who Love Them) party has a challenge for Conservative Theresa May.
More and more young, intelligent people are learning to see past the propaganda.
The world has been watching the sensational trial of athlete Oscar Pistorius. In the midst of the media circus journalist Joan Smith has penned a commentary replete with the usual feminist bigotry. AVfM contributor Herbert Purdy gives his thoughts on the subject.