
Conference Twitter Feed

There is a Twitter feed, @icmi14 for the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2014 from which our Media Director, Janet Bloomfield, will be tweeting relevant updates. We invite listeners/viewers to tweet any serious questions they have for the speakers during their talks.

Leon Walker: The Consequences of Speaking Out

For reporting gross waste of government funds, Leon Walker has faced years of ongoing persecution at the hands of Oakland County Government, his former employer. As a result, his career has been ruined, he’s been financially destroyed, and in only a matter of days, he and his family will be evicted from their home. Leon shares his story about the consequences of speaking out.

Personal Responsibility

Living in an environment dominated by social-justice warriors and concomitant ‘victim identities’ it’s easy to forget the virtues of taking personal responsibility for the cards life has dealt us. Catreece McCleod calls for the death of the Oppression Olympics and the reclamation of personal responsibility.