A Voice For Men

Men’s issues wiki needs your help

Tired of searching through the archives of AVfM and other sites, looking for the same information over and over again to answer questions on domestic violence, rape figures, false rape figures, the questionable nature of the wage gap, the declining performance of boys in schools? We’re creating a one-stop resource, and we need your help.

AVFM Retraction

Paul Elam recently posted an article involving Georgetown University and an employee who allegedly trashed applications for admission based on sex and race. He now says he got it wrong and is publishing a retraction to the story, as well as an apology to those affected.

No more slugs and snails

A Voice for Men welcomes new contributor Max Cade, who shares his personal story from male shame to avid consumer of red pills. He also gives us a meaningful glimpse into the world of boys; how we shape and mold and shame them into the service of women. Welcome Max. And welcome to all boys, girls, men and women with the courage to love.