A Voice For Men

Your opinion needed

There are some significant changes coming to the AVFM site in the not too distant future. Some of those changes will affect the commenting system Paul Elam is requesting your opinion on what those changes should be. This is your chance to be heard before we implement the new procedures.

Help request: AVfM Reference Wiki

The new A Voice for Men Men’s Rights Reference Wiki has been started. Already good things are happening on it, but some people are confused and nervous and don’t quite understand how they can help. Dean Esmay explains in detail how you can be a part of the new wiki’s success.

Yeah, but that was then…

After taking some time to reflect on the life and death of Earl Silverman, Paul Elam has some thoughts and a few changes that are being made to site policy at A Voice for Men. It is time, according to Elam, to focus more on the activism and less on the distractions.

Fuck You, Kate Harding

The world lost a good man today. Earl Silverman, after twenty years of trying to find support to run a battered men’s shelter in Canada, called it quits and cashed in his own chips. AVFM Managing Editor Dean Esmay is angry about it. We can’t find any reason under the stars to blame him. RIP Earl.

A man’s way of healing

After reading a recent article on Attachment Parenting, Paul Elam took a trip back in his past to remember the loss of his father, and the love of a friend that helped him through the process of grieving that loss. He shares that with us now, as though the whole thing happened just yesterday.