Dr. Mohammad Hossain Howlader of London, “Known Genital Mutilator”
The best time for a boy’s circumcision is the same as for a girl – never.
The best time for a boy’s circumcision is the same as for a girl – never.
Flattering imitation and lying are two different things.
So, it’s a religious and a cosmetic procedure, two things that should be decided by the person concerned, no matter the age or sex.
Men’s rights legend Angry Harry passes away.
Dr. Al-Ali is a plastic surgeon that mutilates babies on the side.
Even more exciting new developments for ICMI’16
Facebook bows to the social justice agenda
A note of thanks from Paul
Wow. Genital mutilation being visited on baby boys in their own home, making that home a constant reminder of this traumatic event.
Glad to know you are leaders in the courageous battle to remove that dirty, horrible little piece of skin that seems to bother everyone but the infant.