Alison Tieman (Typhonblue)

Women do not benefit: the science

AVfM Senior Editor Alison Tieman says, “Every time we knee-jerk seeing women as ‘acted upon,’ absent evidence, or in the presence of evidence that refutes it, we are engaging in furthering this archaic gender socialization that limits and belittles women. Every ‘but women are hurt more’ or ‘women are the real victims’ or ‘women and children first!'”

Girl Writes What on the Mary Kellett Hearing

Girl Writes What[GWW] offers a searing critique of the corrupt and out-of-control Maine Prosecutor Mary Kellett that will burn your ears and light a fire under your ass. Maybe if we had more women like GWW in the judicial system–who are capable of seeing injustice and calling it out–we wouldn’t have so many men being thrown into the family court abattoir. Sit back and enjoy the GWW burn.

How to Stop Rape

Feminists invest a lot of time, energy and your tax money in convincing us there is a rape culture and that we need to address men and masculinity as the problem in order to do anything about it. TyphoBlue has a better idea. It involves reality. It also involves telling feminists to shut the fuck up.