Eating while MGTOW: Look at the flowers! stoup
MGTOW should enjoy life but exercise the same prudence with food that we do with relationships. August Løvenskiolds explores bringing your blood sugar under control.
MGTOW should enjoy life but exercise the same prudence with food that we do with relationships. August Løvenskiolds explores bringing your blood sugar under control.
Is feminism a religion? The terms feminists use have parallels in Christianity, but August Løvenskiolds examines the evidence so you can decide.
Conservative women are demanding that men “man up” and marry them. August Løvenskiolds responds: no thanks.
August Løvenskiolds pays us a visit from the future, both looking back on us in the past, and issues a lesson in the lexicon to come in the acronym happy environment at AVFM, one particular corner of the MHRM. But one has to wonder, as we look into the future through the eyes of a man writing his history. Why no mention of the GMP?
After a disastrous year 2014 for feminism, 2015 is looking up: the medical cause of feminism has been identified, and a cure is forthcoming. August Løvenskiolds has the details.
Eating while MGTOW doesn’t have to be elaborate to be good. August Løvenskiolds muses that vexing feminists while you are preparing your food is the best seasoning of all.
Today we’re republishing an amusing and practical article written several years ago by AVfM’s own August Løvenskiolds. A man’s gotta eat, right? –Ed The MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) lifestyle, ideally, involves both a real-world withdrawal of men from women and a reduction in the large excess of productivity by men necessary to support the pampering of …
For a restaurant, being woke means more than just putting a urinal in the ladies’ room (to signify the inclusion of trans womxn as well as cancel any TERFs from the property). Even the most modest hot dog cart should display a mindfulness of the ways structural patriarchy, unconscious racism, and yellow mustard oppress underserved, …
While rolling my empty hand trolley on the way to Aldi, a grocery store, I happened across a dead or dying woman, “she/her”, on the sidewalk. It was Saturday morning, March 20th, at about 9 am. She/her was motionless, lying on she/her left side, curled in the fetal position as if asleep. An empty wheelchair …
How should society handle women who take cash to cover up sex criminals? Tongue in cheek, August Løvenskiolds solves the vexing problem of encouraging greedy cowards to make timely reports about sexual predators.