Peter Wright

How to tame men

The idea that men require civilizing is long-lived. Peter Wright proposes a novel suggestion for how we might achieve that: by leaving men alone to be the caring and for the most part civil creatures they were from before society decided to impose its will on them.

Gynocentric etiquette for men (part 1)

“Civility is particularly due to all women; and, remember, that no provocation whatsoever can justify any man in not being civil to every woman; and the greatest man would justly be reckoned a brute if he were not civil to the meanest woman. It is due to their sex..” Written a century and a half ago, is this reasoning much different today?

A voice for choice

Men’s human right’s activists (MHRAs) frequently debate partisan stances on a variety of topics. But there’s a more commonly-shared goal within the movement. The Ace that trumps partisan positions is the securing of a greater and better range of choices for men and boys.