Some MRAs are the enemy of boys and men
Paul has some words for MRAs who support MGM.
Paul has some words for MRAs who support MGM.
A needed leg up for AVFM.
Paul offers some thoughts on rape liar Christine Blasey Ford
Ladies and gentlemen, start your cell phones.
Michael Kimmel, hoisted on his own petard. We’re just in stitches over here.
Paul with some reflections on the tragic death of Anthony Bourdain
As we grow, so do the lies. Fake news reporter Lara Whyte leads the way.
The ICMI’18 is well underway. On the first day Paul Elam gives a video talk on the topic of men’s rights, MGTOW, gynocentrism and politics.
Expecting people to work for money is causing psychological discomfort for women; feminist researchers recommend women’s working hours be reduced.
A video containing universal truths for men.