Janet Bloomfield (aka JudgyBitch)

Fuck you, Amanda Marcotte

Mary Beth Williams of Salon is just an asshole. On the other hand, Amanda Marcotte is a professional hatemonger who has once again made her naked hatred for men plain for all to see. In response to a New York Times article on reproductive rights for men and boys–or more specifically, men’s complete lack of reproductive rights, both show idiocy and contempt. Janet Bloomfield has some pungent words for both of them. How very Judgy of her. Very Judgy indeed. Tsk. Tsk. [Illustration by Europa Phoenix.]

Let’s talk about those rape posters

Demonizing a class of people for the crimes of a few is the hallmark of hate, and the tool of racists, sexists, and…feminists? Our gynocentric culture is quietly accepting of the routine hatred of men as a class, but awareness of this insidious malady is starting to spread, and Janet Bloomfield has had just about enough of it. Oh, boy, has she. Watch out, haters, the Judgy Bitch is in the house.

My father and me

“First I feared him, then I loathed him, then I forgave him and now I take care of him: the story of my father and me.” Judgy bitch tells the story of her relationship with her father, no punches pulled. Sit down for this one, folks, it’s a moving tribute to the power of redemption, making amends and finding it in yourself to forgive.