I made him remember my name
A poem by Shawnda Kettles
A poem by Shawnda Kettles
A British tabloid that regularly features bare-chested ladies on its third page recently pulled a publicity stunt that showed feminist hypocrisy in all its glory.
When we say someone is being “objectified”, what exactly does that mean, and does it apply only to women?
Men’s Human Rights Ireland will be chronicling, tracking, and investigating the actions of the White Ribbon Ireland group and its finances, and broadcasting their findings as they arise.
Men’s Human Rights Ireland was denied the right to give a speech on International Men’s Day. Here’s the speech they weren’t allowed to give.
Women’s Studies as an academic discipline has accomplished little more than perpetuating itself. Our friends at Men’s Human Rights Ireland review the learning that has no use except to waste and destroy.
The Istanbul Convention, a horrible piece of legislation that threatens to increase violence against men and children, is sneaking its way into Europe. Men’s Human Rights Ireland, and other human rights organizations, also oppose it. John Gormley explains.
John Gormley has been asking Irish women a simple series of questions, and so far has a 100% success rate in getting them to agree: women are in many ways privileged over men in Irish society.
Facebook continues its haphazard and arbitrary system of silencing political speech that might happen to offend some woman or her white knight defenders somewhere. John Gormley of Men’s Human Rights Ireland won’t take it lying down though.
The Men’s Human Rights Movement continues to expand across the world, spreading the message of equal compassion and human rights for men and boys, giving hope to millions–and anger to Gender Ideologues who profit on their suffering. The movement’s latest foothold? Ireland!