Dept. of Ed Rewrites the Constitution, at the Expense of Men
The Office for Civil Rights enjoys a $103 million budget, including a cushy $730,000 for employee awards and overtime. Congress is searching for ways to trim the deficit.
The Office for Civil Rights enjoys a $103 million budget, including a cushy $730,000 for employee awards and overtime. Congress is searching for ways to trim the deficit.
So VAWA conveniently omits the fact that the actual number may be 152,000, not 324,000. And most incidents of “violence” consist of a minor shove or slap – a far cry from what most people think of as “battering.”
By trotting out a sympathetic victim, playing on lawmaker chivalry, or resorting to outright falsehoods, feminists have been able to maintain hegemony over the public discourse.
Having cleared the intellectual nit-pickers out of the picture, it was time to commence the real work of undertaking an extreme make-over of our nation’s domestic violence laws.
The Summit led off with the revelation that 11% of Americans report they have been falsely accused of child abuse, domestic violence, or sexual assault. This astonishing number means tens of millions of persons have had their foreheads branded with the scarlet Abuser label.
Mr. Biden claims the real cause of domestic violence is the “attitude of how society views women as chattel.” Of course women in our society benefit from all the legal rights as men, and enjoy endless choices and opportunities. So is Biden’s use of the word chattel to be considered absurd, inflammatory — or merely silly?
Domestic violence is another area where false allegations have become de rigeur. For years the abuse industry has anointed itself with sack-cloth and ashes, meeting with state legislators to expand definitions and lower standards of proof.
A mere five days after the shocking assault, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin journeyed to Madison, Wisc. to deliver the keynote speech at a Tea Party rally. Exhorting Republican leaders to push for hefty budget cuts, the charismatic speaker exclaimed the University of Wisconsin women’s hockey team should tell “GOP leaders they need to learn how to fight like a girl!”
Last October Malone was charged with grand larceny for allegedly stealing government subsidies valued at $14,000. The case is now pending.
I applaud Sarah Palin’s passion, her adroit sense of humor, and her you-go-girl! gumption. But the more I learn about Sarah Palin, the more I become perplexed by her over-heated gender-bending rhetoric. I believe we can all agree that men and women should have equal opportunities. But let’s not confuse equal opportunities with identical outcomes. …
Sarah Palin Needs to Rein in Her Harsh Feminist Rhetoric Read More »