What is an MRA?
As people increasingly become aware of the Men’s Human Rights Movement, there is a lot of misinformation on what an MRA really is. Kristal Garcia explains to those of you who are new.
As people increasingly become aware of the Men’s Human Rights Movement, there is a lot of misinformation on what an MRA really is. Kristal Garcia explains to those of you who are new.
Christina Hoff-Sommers does a great job of taking apart common feminist myths. This time she takes on the “rule of thumb.”
Even the staff at AVFM was surprised at the level of depravity that some feminists are willing to sink to in order to silence those they oppose. Advocates from across the world ask you to not let that happen.
YouTuber Alice BlackCherri discusses another failure of feminism and its contribution to the skewed definition of rape, along with the widespread misconception that only men can rape, and only women can be raped.
A short documentary mostly about the Canadian Association for Equality and events that transpired not too long ago in Toronto.
We need more of this and less shaming and contempt.
The snark is so pungent we have no words.
Stefan Molyneux and Karen Straughan, on “privilege,” on the Detroit conference, and more.
Diana Davison presents a theory on why some people may actually believe that “eye rape” is a thing.
Christina Hoff-Sommers takes on the rape hysteria industry.