The Power of Divorce…
Jesse’s story
Jesse’s story
Faculty student, erotic interaction, is it an abuse of power? Janice Fiamengo discusses who gets hurt
A must watch from Andrea Hardie, AKA Jannet Bloomfield, AKA Judgy Bitch
Stanford Rape Case. Janice Fiamengo discusses the aftermath of the verdict and the demand the judge be removed from the bench
Dr Shaym provides a detailed rundown of the facts of Family Violence
“Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women offers a comprehensive overview and debunking of the “rape culture” myth that has devastated campuses and is spilling into Main Street America.” Book by Wendy McElroy
Lucian Vâlsan with Ivan Mamchyur, a survivor of the Kengir uprising.
Corrupt domestic violence fundraising giant White Ribbon Australia intends to bully an old woman in a wheelchair out of her website
SJW’s: why do you claim to speak for the LGTBQ community and ethnic minorities, yet when they disagree with you harass them?