How many genders are there?
Shoe0nHead explores the question of how many genders there are. After much soul-searching she arrives at the answer of… 2.
Shoe0nHead explores the question of how many genders there are. After much soul-searching she arrives at the answer of… 2.
Women in the workplace, do women underrate their value. Janice Fiamengo explores
Are millennials to blame for their current zeitgeist. Paul explores in his response to a viewer.
Feminism is a supremacist movement
SJWs have driven an East German style climate fear. Janice Fiamengo discusses the sexual assault climate on College Campuses
Australian Senator Pauline Hanson claims women make frivolous DV complaints, calls for reforms to legislation
A battle brewing in the MGTOW sphere
ICMI16 Erin Pizzey
A great video from Alison Tieman, and a request for support of the HBB Patreon.
Shannon is a perennial fixture in our community. She shares her reasons for being and MRA, and we are certainly glad she is a part of our community