Danielle Paradis’ initials, Karen Smith of SAVE’s human rights violations, and other things
False allegations never happen, so we demand to know what’s going to be done about Karen Smith of Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton’s alleged atrocities.
False allegations never happen, so we demand to know what’s going to be done about Karen Smith of Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton’s alleged atrocities.
Isaac T. Quill notes that what’s interesting and relevant to most people doesn’t necessarily add up to what’s profitable, and has some Google Trends numbers to show that help illustrate that.
MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way, are increasingly prevalent in our culture. Some are not even aware of what MGTOW is, but are MGTOW by default. The “scary” part? The fact that an increasing number are aware of exactly why they’re doing it.
Most films examining the issue of rape work from the hateful gender ideologue perspective of men as perpetrators and women as victims. Chris Deslone has noticed a documentary filmmaker who may be working to break that mold.
When we first saw this video, to be honest, we weren’t sure if we were just getting trolled.