Three more women leave the reservation
If we didn’t know better we might think this is a continuing trend.
If we didn’t know better we might think this is a continuing trend.
It appears that Popp has hurt some people’s fee-fees with basic arithmetic. So he cruelly goes on to do some more.
We don’t live in a rape culture, but we do inhabit a culture saturated with gender propaganda. So says our friend Christina Hoff Sommers,
There’s no such thing as bad press for Mike Buchanan and Justice 4 Men and Boys (and the women who love them) in the UK. Thousands are downloading his political plans and finding out just how much the media lies.
YouTuber and Man Going His Own Way JayeDeBlack talks about love from a MGTOW perpective.
The American Broacasting Corporation (ABC) News show Nightline recently did a shockingly dishonest piece about online gamers, combining it with a love-fest for two professional con artists.
The attack on “manspreading” is not a joke, it’s misandry. And for those who think what happens on the internet doesn’t impact the “real world,” think again.
Here we have a bunch of boys, full to the gills with misogyny, doing “The Patriarchy” proud. We have a question though: would the girls have hit the boys?
A shocking new study reports that 100% of men experience sexual abuse at the hands of women on college campuses.
Does Intel really know who they are throwing their brand weight behind? Do Intel’s regular customers know what sorts of things Anita tweets? Maybe it’s time we let them both see Anita’s own words.